Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Metaphorical Boat Spotify Playlist - January/February 2017

For those of you who like your musical recommendations in playlist-able Spotify form, on a bimonthly basis The Metaphorical Boat posts a selection of songs that we have been enjoying over the prior eight weeks or so, containing songs that we've written about, new songs that we haven't written about but are enjoying nonetheless, and a few older but fantastic tracks that are currently floating our Metaphorical Boat.

Below you can find our playlist of songs that we really enjoyed in January & February 2017. If you like what you hear, or just want another playlist to add to your growing list of playlists, then we really hope that you'll take the time to visit the playlist on Spotify and give it a follow. You never know, your new favourite song of all time could be somewhere on this playlist!

This month's playlist feature songs from established artists like London Grammar, Elbow,  Japandroids, Goldfrapp & Imagine Dragons, songs from newer bands such as The Mysterons, Ten Fé, The Shimmer Band, OUTLYA & Childcare, plus local acts like PATHS, Tiernan, Pleasure Beach, Jealous of The Birds with Ryan Vail & Callum Stewart. Plus just for the heck of it, we've added "City of Stars" from the not-winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture. Lots of great music from lots of great people for your ear-based amusement.

In addition, as of 2017 The Metaphorical Boat has started a rotating playlist of songs, which we will update on a regular basis. We've had it in the side-bar of the site for a few weeks now, but this is our official acknowledgement of its existence. Yay!

 As soon as we come across a new song that we like, it will automatically go to the top of this playlist, and we will remove a song from the playlist as soon as it has been on it for 2 months, so if you give it a follow, you will always have a fine conveyor belt of fantastic music courtesy of us at The Metaphorical Boat. You can find the playlist as it stands as of now below -

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